At one particularly delightful location that had just one stall, I wasn't about to actually sit on the toilet. I didn't want my kiddo to either, so I introduced her to the concept of "hover peeing." (I know it's never talked about... but EVERYONE does it.) She's no where near tall enough to do it on her own, and it required a good amount of upper body strength for me to hold her over it.
That was almost a week ago, and I didn't think much about it until last night. Todd had the girls for the evening while I went out to dinner with a girlfriend. Apparently while he was getting Ladybug undressed for bathtime, Sunshine decided she was going to hover pee all by herself. Of course, it didn't really work well. Todd was a little unhappy that I'd shared my little coping technique with her because, of course, he got stuck with clean up duty.
I realized that I probably should have been a little more specific, explicitly telling her that she wasn't big enough to do it on her own. Kind of like the warning tags on hair dryers that tell you not to dry your hair while in the shower.
Everyone does NOT hover pee! Pee on the seat after someone has attempted to hover pee - now that's gross!
Angela -
Check out this article from Oprah!
- Jennifer
Oh, honey. I've had years of practice. Not only am I incredibly neat, but I"m teaching my daughter to do the same. Actually sitting on a gas station toilet, now that's gross. You do what you have to do. I'll do what I have to do.
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