Navigating the sticky, jam-covered road of life.  

Sunday, February 22, 2009

What Did She Say The Problem Was?

"Mommy sat on the bed, and THAT was the problem."  This came out of my darling Sunshine's mouth this evening.  Let me just clarify, for the record, that Mommy was not the problem.  The hooks on the side rail of Sunshine's antique bed frame were the problem.  She just knows that, every now and again, the bed breaks when Mommy (yes, mostly me) and sometimes Daddy sits on her bed.  

Still, it hurt to hear that coming out of her mouth.  I'm not quite where I'd like to be with swimsuit season lurking just around the corner.  So in the spirit of getting to where I'd like to be, I'm offering a Giveaway!  Working out by yourself is never fun.  And our gym money is being sent directly to savings these days.  So I need something fast ('cause you never have much time with little ones around) and fun.  Kristen Chase of Motherhood Uncensored told me about Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred a couple of weeks ago, and it looks like it fits the bill.  I'm offering up a copy of it to one lucky random winner.  All you have to do is leave a comment.  Tell me your favorite strategies for staying healthy.  You can enter once a day.  Multiple entries require that you tell me something different each time.  The contest ends on Saturday, February 28th at 11:59 pm.  

Happy commenting!


Anonymous said...

Put your comfortable sweat pants away. Wear those pants that are a little snug. You'll tend to eat less and feel thinner too.

Anonymous said...

Take all your suggestions and write them on individual index cards. Shuffle cards in a box, bowl, whatever. Each morning, choose one or two cards and do that 'task' for the day.

Anonymous said...

Exchange your dinner plate for a salad plate- your plate looks full but it is so much smaller!

Atlanta Mommy said...
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Atlanta Mommy said...

Great ideas, y'all. Thanks so much!

Heather said...

Cut out the sodas! Really. No one needs the sugar or caffeine and you save yourself more than 100 calories a day.

Motherhood Uncensored said...

The plate thing is a great idea (I'm not entering, btw).

I am trying to stick to just water. And then ONE day a week I splurge with whatever.

It's hard because I'm breastfeeding and need the extra calories...

Anonymous said...

get a small timer. choose whatever exercise strikes your fancy and set timer for 10 minutes. Adds an element of fun along with discipline. And if it isn't obvious, I AM trying for the prize!!!:)

Anonymous said...

Play "Super Girl"! Let your girls bring you two things a super girl can carry. set the time and put one item in each hand. you can fly around the rooom/house with your arms outstreached, or stand there & see how strong supergirl can be. Your girls can play too. Good strength exercise and can be modified to fit the moment. Yeah, I made it up, but I made it up just for you!

Anonymous said...

Make a pact with 5 online buddies. Find a way to log in to a site and record one physical activity and successful food choice for that day. Keeping a log/journal is very effective. Wonder if keeping a public record with 5 buddies would give even more encouragement. [this doesn't count for the contest, but I really like it and hope you might do it.] I have a good one for tomorrow!!

Anonymous said...

Make up cheers for encouragement/a certain word/specific action. Use that cheer for one day. For example, a cheer for anyone saying the word “please” could involve two jumping jacks, leg kicks, the wave and running in place. (All with a pithy rhyme of course) The actual design of a cheer could be one exercise session and the cheer delivered might be several times a day, depending on activity to be encouraged.

Anonymous said...

Bring that lycra band wherever you go. It's great for strength training as you're waiting in traffic, for school to end, etc. Not just for the car - use when watching tv, reading at computer or doing dance for hubby. Myriad of possibilities. Good returns for simple effort.

Anonymous said...

This is our family's best moving game, played for generations. "Last Tag" played with one or more; object of game is to tag last. I've seen it played in church, where Keith will put an arm around Kaleb, walk away, and Kaleb will lung to pat him on the back. At home, it can be a faster game, but set perimeters or time limits.