Navigating the sticky, jam-covered road of life.

This is the one time of year my husband enters the kitchen for something other than sneaking tastes of what I'm cooking. It's my birthday, and every year he makes me a birthday cake. The last two years, Sunshine has helped. It's such a treat to watch them, because I don't pick just any box cake recipe. I like a loaded carrot cake. Nothing in the world better than homemade carrot cake with cream cheese icing. This particular recipe involves shredding carrots (so much fun to watch him try to figure out the food processor), whisking eggs for what seems like forever (because our hand held mixer died and I lent out our large one), and the addition of lots of fun, complex spices (like cinnamon). Todd is such a good sport. This particular evening has been made all the more special because it is now almost an hour past the girls' bedtime, and Ladybug keeps taking her diaper off. She does love her naked time, and I love this man more than life itself!
I hope you had a wonderful birthday. You do have a wonderful family.
A very happy birthday to a special daughter on her 30th!
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