Navigating the sticky, jam-covered road of life.  

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Busy like bees this morning.

What a crazy, busy morning.  I managed to change all bed sheets, neaten and vacuum the upstairs, clean the girls room, clean the ginormous master shower, and get myself showered.  Ladybug had an industrious morning as well.  She managed to empty one full toilet paper roll and a nearly full box of tissues.  She also emptied a full laundry basket of her clothes in search of the perfect pair of underpants for her head and the bookshelf of all of its books.  Thinking that perhaps the upstairs had returned to its normal state of chaos, she decided to lay down for a little rest... in the dog's bed.  It's OK though, she brought Sunshine's newly cleaned pillow and blanket in there with her to make it a little more like home.  Now I remember why I miss morning naps!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

For Angela, and her two sisters and brother: I love the stories here about the little ones...and want to remind you that multiply by 2 and you get the action your Mom and I dealt with! Granted, it was mostly her!!
Love, Gpa.