Navigating the sticky, jam-covered road of life.  

Sunday, September 7, 2008

On Becoming Sisters...

We went to the Zoo yesterday.  It was Mei Lan's birthday, and Sunshine is absolutely crazy about Mei Lan.  Anyways, we didn't take a stroller.  That's always such a risk, because you never know who will need the rest time.  Ladybug was amazing.  She walked almost the entire time.  She adored watching the animals.  What was even more amazing was watching Sunshine and Ladybug together.  Daddy and I got to walk, holding each other's hands, no less, watching our two little girls holding hands.  They walked together, watched the animals together, laughed together.  I know it was fleeting.  They'll be back to arguing over the Elmo chair today.  But for just a little while, I saw them as I hope to see them when they are adults.  The way I see myself with my sisters.  I love being with my sisters, and I miss them terribly.  I am really enjoying watching Sunshine and Ladybug become sisters together.  

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