Navigating the sticky, jam-covered road of life.
I have spent the better part of the last six weeks trying to get the perfect job at Sunshine's school.
Over the weeks the candidates were whittled down to 2. Me and someone else.
I didn't get it.
I'm crushed.
The End.
So sorry to hear that Ang. i was pulling for you. I know you would have been great.
Its hard to take, but I'm sure it was a very difficult decision for them to make. Take some solice in the fact that you were the finalist....and a glass of wine tonite! Luv, DAD
aw, i'm sorry :-(
Oh total suckage. SORRY!
I'm so sorry. That sucks.
I'm sorry...Ang.
They are the ones loosing out, you would have been great.
Love, Denise
So sorry to hear it didn't work out, Angela. Jennifer and I were really rooting for you.
Everything happens for a reason!! Ontheother hand,more quality time for you and ladybug! Im proud of you!!!
Aw man, I was on vacation and didn't see this until just now!
I am sorry, it is their loss!
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