I'd like to think I was this good a big sister to my little sisters, but I don't think that I was. Sunshine will read tirelessly to Ladybug when she's sitting on the potty. And she's on the potty A LOT.

I remember when Sunshine was potty training. She had to have Curious George Visits the Zoo read to her each and every time. I don't know what it was about that book, but it became her potty book. Luckily Ladybug isn't quite so specific about which book is read, as long as a book is read. Although I think that if she did want the same book, Sunshine wouldn't mind reading it over, and over, and over, and over. Definitely one of the perks of having a big sister. I'm jealous.
I hope you are having more luck potty training than I am. Hayden wants nothing to do with it. I am hoping when I am home all day this summer he will take more interest. Good Luck!
I recall you were quite the big sister...esp to your little brother who didn't care for it so much!
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