Anyway, I'm digressing. Back to this memory. I was just a bit older than Sunshine is now. And I believe we were living in Charleston. My mom was getting ready for a bunch of ladies to come over to the house. Probably the ladies she worked with, but I'm not certain. I really wanted nothing more than to be with my Mom in the kitchen, and I happened upon this wonderful idea of cleaning the sink. I could make it beautiful, and I could be there in the kitchen with my mom. Maybe if I were useful, I wouldn't get relegated to my room to play.
So clean the sink I did. Scrubbing. Bubbles. Hot water. I remember being so proud of myself, exclaiming to my Mom that everyone would see how beautiful the sink looked, and that they would know that I cleaned it. She completely agreed with me, and didn't fail to tell everyone who came that it was I who cleaned the sink.
That memory came flying back to me tonight as I was cooking dinner. Sunshine got up on her stool and suggested that she could clean our sink. She put all her heart and soul into cleaning that sink, much like I remember doing myself. And she was so proud of herself when she looked at the finished product.
And because we don't have anyone coming over to our house tonight... I'm telling you all. Sunshine was the one who cleaned the sink tonight. She worked so hard on it, and she is so very proud of herself. And so am I.